Back home my family and I would clean the Church about twice a year after doing lock-up duty that week. Cleaning the chapel in Firth included such tasks as vacuuming, dusting, cleaning windows, and dumping garbages. Here in Rockledge Florida I have also have the opportunity to take care of Church maintenance, however, in this case we clean it weekly with one other member and the tasks are a little different. We still vacuum and dump garbages, but we also disinfect just about EVERYTHING. Oh yeah, and this week we also swept up cinderblock fragments and cleaned the dust from where a homeless nude man tried to break in. The doors were just fine. The kitchen window took more of a beating but he still wasn't able to get in. You may wonder how we knew he was naked, that is because we had to scavenge around the church to make sure we found his entire outfit and throw it away. The weirdest thing though, the member who we clean the Church with was very nonchalant about it.
This week our zone placed a heavy emphasis on finding new people to teach because some of our teaching pools were practically nonexistant. Our finding techniques are pretty much cold-texting, Facebook finding, and member referrals. We prayed (a lot) and we fasted (a little) and we had (some) success! Though we didn't quite hit the goal as a zone, my comp and I were able to find a person who we did a Bible Study with. We asked her what she wanted to study and she said Genesis 1. After reading that and discussing it we asked her what she wanted to talk about next time and she told us that based on how we prayed and how we testified, she knew that whatever we taught her next would be what she needed to hear so we have been praying and are still deciding on what lesson to teach her.
It has been a crazy week over all but I would not have it any other way! I was listening to a talk called "Plow in Hope" for my personal study, and the thought hit me that a field isn't plowed all at once. Whether you do it with state-of-the-art equipment or a hand-plow like my grandmas, you still have to do it one pass at a time. Which is just like missionary work! Those little tedious things like messaging people daily and posting on Facebook eventually build up and the work moves forward! Additionally, if you focus on the row you are on now without worrying about the ones you have left to do, you hardly notice how long it takes or how difficult it was!
You guys are all amazing!!
Elder Killian
Pic #1 - At the beach with the District

Pic #2 - Selfie with a palm tree that grows weird fruit we wanted to eat but apparently it makes you sick🤢🥭
Pic #3 - Broken kitchen window from the homeless guy 🪨
Pic #4 - Us preparing a photoshoot for Facebook🥜