Merthyr is truly a remarkable place.
There is a member hear named Graham who is preparing to enter the temple. To help him prepare we meet twice a week, once for dinner and once for a scripture study. At the dinner he invites Josh and helps us teach him. Josh is getting baptized in October as soon as he turns 18.
During our last scripture study with Graham we all felt the Spirit as we read Alma 31. In particular the prayer Alma prays on behalf of the Zoramites. As we spoke about how valuable we are in God's eyes, we invited Graham to remember his worth when facing temptation.
Come Sunday Graham was glowing. He said he had a tough morning but he knew church was the place to be. On top of that, Josh also came and sat by us and Graham. Finally, we had Leanne, another friend of ours who is getting baptized in November, come up and talk to Graham. Throw into the mix all the ward leaders and stake leaders talking to our friends and you will understand how tight this ward is knit together.
We had a Elder Baxter of the First Quorum of the Seventy speak to us all last night. Aside from ending with some very specific dating advice, he also told us we aren't just teaching the Restoration nowadays. Back on his mission, that is what he did, but back then everyone also had a Bible in their house. These days we are called to testify of the reality of God and Jesus Christ in a post- Christian society. The most effective way to do that is with the Book of Mormon and the Holy Ghost.
Have a great week!
Elder Killian
Pic #1 - volunteering at "Parkrun" everyone came to tell us we were the most excited people and they wanted us back next week. We were also the youngest by at least ten years
Pic #2 - a bunch of coins an elder saved for his whole mission. It equated to about 88 £
Pic #3 - the place we did Parkrun at along the the Taff River