Let's just start it off with the biggest thing that happened this week. The Deland Florida Stake held its stake conference. I watched the adult session while on exchanges with Elder Robinson. He has only been out a week and is being trained by the district leader. We watched that first session over zoom while we sent text messages to people. We actually found two people to start teaching from it. The talks given were outstanding as well. They had the general authority William K. Jackson of the seventy come and speak. The man is a brilliant orator.
For the Sunday general session we carpooled with the other Deltona Elders down to Deland to attend in person. We invited almost all the people we are teaching to watch. In the middle of one particularly profound talk one of those friends actually texted us to tell us how much she was enjoying said talk. The last speaker was Elder William K. Jackson himself so I got ready to really pay attention. After talking for about five minutes he invited Sister Ashcraft (the mission president's wife) to come up and bear here testimony on the spot. She did so and then after she closed Elder Jackson whispered with her for a second and then asked, "Would Elder Killian come up and bear his testimony as well?" The problem was, I didn't hear my name, I heard Elder Gileed or something like that, so Elder Murphy saved the day and elbowed me to let me know he asked me! It caught me off guard to say the least. I actually distinctly remember thinking how surprising that would be to be asked by a general authority to bear your testimony in front of the entire stake on the fly when he asked Sister Ashcraft to do it. The first words out of my mouth at the pulpit were, "My heart is full," but the more truthful statement would have been "My mind is blank."
I just opened my mouth though and spoke my honest testimony. The Spirit definitely helped. It was quite the experience but it really made me appreciate the fact that we never know when we will be called upon the share our beliefs. It may not be in front of a congregation like that, but God expects all of us to be prepared when opportunities arise!
Also, my plane to England leaves October 6th, this is my last transfer in Florida,
Love you all!
Elder Killian
Pic #1 - playing gatorball with the new "dude"-strict
Pic #2 - we unknowingly parked in front of a members house to walk around a block knocking knocking few doors and when we came back she gave us this box of goldfish, she is SUPER nice
Pic #3 - exchanges with Elder Robinson