Thursday, December 1, 2022
We'll Leave a Welcome
First things first...
"Jehovah's or Mormons"
With daylight hours being limited as they are, we are encouraged to leave our flats by 10 each morning. As a result, Elder Caldwell and myself always head straight over to Cyfarthfa park where we finish our studies and then walk around talking to people for an hour or so.
Ryan and Remembrance
Had the privilege of attending the London Temple this week! It has been so long since I have been through a temple. It was an experience I will never forget.
Welsh Weather
Winter is starting to set in here in Merthyr Tydfil. Elder Caldwell and I went out tracting last Wednesday and we just about got obliterated. Sadly, no one let us inside, but everyone was a whole lot nicer seeing as we were already taking a beating just being outside.
A couple weeks back we scheduled Elder Caldwell (my companion's) driving test in a place called Llantrisant. To save miles, we then also rebooked Elder Druyon's test so it would fall on the same day and save him and his companion time.
Berean Christadelphians
Here in Merthyr Tydfil things continue to progress well.
New Faces and Unfamiliar Idioms
Hello, there were a couple big changes that took place.

DM's & Door-Knocking
With the weather taking a turn for the worse, our best method of finding people (walking around the lake at Cyfarthfa park) is no longer so viable.
Teach a Man to Fish
Elder Hanson and I started the week off ill. He woke up with the flu and I with food poisoning. A good chunk of the ward also got sick at the same time because we all attended the same social event. It took us a few days to get well again. During the worst bit if it, we all went to Cardiff for a zone conference. We would have stayed home if it wasn't for the fact we were leading a training for all the missionaries here in Wales. During the whole conference we both looked like zombies but during the training we definitely had some divine help and it went smoothly.
Chestnuts in a Lake
Everyday a Miracle
There are a few families here that have been in the church for 3+ generation. Generally though, if I ask a member how long they have been a member, they will have a conversion story to share.
"They Just Need to be Invited".
I am currently serving in the Merthyr Tydfil 1st Ward. If there is a "1st ward" then you have probably already guessed there to be a "2nd" one. The two wards are really close and as a result, when the Merthyr 2nd Ward held a Summer Féte, we were all invited.
Sunday, September 4, 2022
"Fellow citizens with the Saints"
Merthyr is truly a remarkable place.