Hello, there were a couple big changes that took place.
President Gallacher moved Elder Hanson to Trowbridge. My new companion is Elder Ethan Caldwell. He is from Arizona. The ward has gotten a kick out of guessing that we are both from Utah and then having to be corrected by us.
The other big change has to do with our area, we do a good amount of work with members who no longer come out to church. We dropped by one such individual who we hadn't met yet. He is 26 years old and named Liam. He said in the past he wanted to try religion because he wanted happiness but never really felt it, even after being baptized. We then talked for nearly hour and by the end he said he wanted to give it all another try. We had one other lesson since and will now start going back weekly. The Spirit truly softened his heart.
As Elder Caldwell and I were out tracting in between the frequent spurts of rain common to Merthyr Tydfil, we knocked one door and the lady who answered opened with "I am a died in the tree atheist." I don't know what "died in the tree means" but I am no stranger to what an atheist is. She was really kind and after a couple minutes said she was the great-granddaughter (with more greats) of "David Mcky or something like that." She wanted us to come back, I am praying the ancestors she has on the other side of the veil will help our message reach her heart.
(Also, highly recommend watching this video if you haven't. It's the fully episode of the Book of Mormon video sneak peak that President Nelson showed at General Conference. We watch it with members so I have seen it about 7 times, loved it every one of them. May be the highest quality production from the church ever.) 

Have a wonderful week everyone!
Elder Desmond Killian
Pic #1 - dessert from the dinner appointment I had with the Miles, they are making as many British classics for me as they can, I am determined to photograph them all
Pic #2 - selfie from this last MLC, elder Caldwell is in the blue suit and he is wearing glasses
Pic #3 - picture from right before elder Hanson left, got a nice action shot of the dog chasing the red ball brother miles threw to sabotage the goodbye moment. Worked like a charm
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