Hello it's me again, you already know.. Elder Redford but don't worry! This is the last time because my companion Elder Killian as most of you know him as Desmond, is leaving me to be a Zone Leader in Merthyr. I wish you all the best of luck! I'll miss emailing you all. His next comp probably won't be as nice as I am so he probably won't write his emails
Okay! This week we've been grinding hard in exchanges and together, we found seven potentials. Elder Redford gave out a book of Mormon and four pamphlets while Elder Killian got two peoples phone numbers by his testimony and power of unity with Elder Mallonee. This week he learned a lot from his old pal Elder Hill and how to street contact by making connections, then he also learned from Elder Mallonee on some verses he can use when people feel the spirit. We also are gonna finish our social media video so we can send it to the bishop of our ward and get it prepared to post on our Facebook's so people will feel welcomed to our ward and church!
Okay, that's all I can really remember. He promises to start emailing again.. I hope he does..

- Elder Redford OUT!
1: Exchanges
2: Social Media Video ( I Elder Redford included )
3: Tesco Meal deal! ( I Elder Redford will never have another one )
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